Friday, June 29, 2012

For those of you looking for easy access to the remaining Schedule of it is:

Friday June 29th : Natural Building Project in Seward;  2618 E 22nd St.
12 - 6: Come build a sculptural poetry plaza out of cob (ancient building technique using clay, sand, straw and water.) Building with cob is incredibly fun, inspiring of the senses and approachable for the littlest to the biggest of human beings.
7 - 11 Cultural Exchange and Open Mic at 2nd Moon Cafe (2225 Franklin Ave.) How do we begin to live genuinely in community with the many different cultures that exist in Seward? Followed by an Open Mic. 
Saturday June 30th: 
12 - 6: The Cob building continues
6 – 7 ArtiCulture (2613 E Franklin Ave.) our local Art's Laboratory will host an Art Party. Playing has never been so constructive!
7:30 - 9 Closing Ceremony, Cantastoria Puppet Show and Lantern Release down at the White Sand Beach (W. River Parkway, just past 26th St. Follow the stairs 12

Also! Muy Importante, we have only a couple of days left to meet our Kickstarter fundraising goal. If you'd like to support these projects and see more like them happen in the future, then please check out our video. Go to and search: Village Reclamation Festival. 

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